
Chinatown Merchants United Association of San Francisco has dealt and solved with many issues related to Chinatown before and after its establishment:

1. 過往為華埠爭取警力,增加華語巡邏警員,建立警員與商戶緊密溝通,商戶現正有直接聯繫華埠警員的電話及方法。

CMUASF has fought for more police force in Chinatown by adding more Chinese patrol officers, and established close communication networks between the policemen and the merchants. Since then the merchants may contact Chinatown police officers directly for emergency and non-emergency purposes.

2. 過往華埠商戶受到童黨的騷擾,如商戶提出幫助,商戶聯會會馬上轉發給華埠巡邏警員去處理。

Chinatown merchants were harassed by the Youngster Party. Once the information was received by CMUASF, it forwarded the information to the Chinatown patrol officer to deal and to resolve the issue.

3. 去年垃圾公司與工務局為方便垃圾車收取商戶每天垃圾,要求下午五時封士德頓街路旁車位,當時為爭取不公平做法,與垃圾公司、公務局及商戶開會,結果取回車位給公用。最後垃圾公司答應六時後才到華埠收取商戶每天的垃圾。

Last year, the garbage company and the Public Works Bureau requested vacant parking spaces on Stockton Street to make rooms for garbage pick up at 5:00 pm. Merchants and CMUASF felt it was unfair practices for garbage company because there were still customers shopping at 5:00 pm, if the street was vacant and no parking were allowed, the business would affected deeply; therefore, CMUASF organized the meeting with the garbage company, the Public Work Bureau, and the merchants to fix the issue. Finally, the garbage company agreed to postpone the pick up schedule to six o'clock in Chinatown.

4. 過往華埠在士德頓街隧道前安裝了二十個監控鏡頭,也是大家努力取爭。現市參事也因應商戶聯會的較早前商討,也希望能多安裝監控鏡頭到不同路段,將會是真實的能維護華埠安全。

CMUASF requested Chinatown Supervisor Peskin to install twenty surveillance cameras in Chinatown starting from Stockton Street Tunnel. One of the cameras from Stockton Street caught on tape of criminal activity and the criminal was caught thanks to the camera installed at 777 Stockton Street. Supervisor Peskin also had another meeting with CMUASF board members in February 2020 to discuss a possibility of more surveillance camera installations in Chinatown by the end of this year.

5. 謠言華埠某餅店老娘是冠狀病毒帶菌者,商戶聯會聯同會員出手幫忙辟謠,向傳媒澄清謠言及挽回餅店聲譽。

February 2020, CMUASF board members and members arranged a media interview to clarify the rumors of a bakery owner’s wife who was infected Covid-19 positive in order to restore the reputation of the baker shop.

6. 二月份期間:In February 2020:

a) 地鉄會議中成功爭取公車局為華埠放宣傳活動,這個計劃自去年起已經批出,但公車局一直推遲,疫情過後會配合聯會的宣傳活動,一同發揮力量。

After many months of negotiation between MTA and CMUASF on how to promote Chinatown, MTA agreed to sponsor advertisements on all muni buses to promote Chinatown. Because of Covid-19, the promotion will be resumed when business reopens.


CMUASF has been working with Office Of Economics & Workforce Development to promote Chinatown by printing discount coupons booklets. Due to the pandemic the project will be resumed when business reopens.

c) 將士德頓街與積臣街的巴士站遷回遠東銀行店前,還原當日巴士上車點。

After many meetings with the MTA, the MTA decided to return the bus stop to its original place on Stockton Street between Jackson Street and Washington Street.

7. 三月份期間:In March 2020:

a) 商戶聯會已經設計華埠新版地圖方面遊客及旅客到訪華埠,亦因為疫情未有推出。地圖將商戶的類別與經營項目分別出來,使遊客和旅客更容易選擇。

CMUASF has designed a new Chinatown map for tourists local customers. The map is the directory for various business types, making it easier for tourists and local customers to shop in Chinatown.

b) 有商戶投訴店前地面的一些小鐵蓋被偷走,而公務局將責任推卸給商戶,經商戶聯會向公務局及市參事反映,公務局最終負責處理,不用商戶花錢處理。

Some merchants complained that many iron sewer covers were stolen. CMUASF contacted the Department of Public Work (DPW) to request for replacement, but DPW declined the responsibilities because they believed it was the merchant’s responsibilities. After hours of negotiation by CMUASF, DPW decided to replace the sewer plates for merchants at no charge.

c) 聯會發動商戶捐款及捐贈物資給予前線醫務人員活動,這個活動一直持續到五月中,收集捐款及捐贈物資,分派到不同醫院、醫療機構、消防局和警察局等單位。先後花了五個星期來處理籌款活動,並由聯會幾位志願者幫助完成籌款工作。商戶聨會因此爭取到更多外界的支持。

CMUASF initiated a PPE supply drive to donate to frontline workers and was donated by 99% of Chinatown merchants. Over $42,000 of PPE supplies worth was donated to hospitals, Central Police Station, and Fire Station 2. The project was completed during the pandemic from March to May 2020.

8. 四月份期間:In April 2020:


During the pandemic, some people were feeding pigeons near the temporary railway station. When CMUASF received the complaints from merchants, CMUASF contacted the appropriate department and the temporary station was removed and less pigeons are surrounding the areas.

9. 五月份期間:In May 2020:

a) 收到地鐵工程負責人通知,要在士德頓街及華盛頓街的交界進行全天工程,將附近車位全封閉,整天不能停車。商戶聯會得知消息後,便多次與地鐵工程管理及市參事進行探討,爭取日間工程用最短時間完成,而將大部分工程改為下午7時後進行,保留兩旁的車位可在日間停泊及上落貨之用。

Received a notice from the MTA project manager team about construction work during business hours, after many disputes by CMUASF, MTA decided to alternate their construction hours in order to reduce as little affects as possible to our business on Stockton Street.

b) 同一時間,亦收到公務局通知,沙加緬度街由都板街與士德頓街將會進行日間工程,商戶聯會立即聯絡公務局及市參事進行多次溝通及協調,同時提出日間工程將會影響華埠交通及導致環境污染等問題,最後經過視頻會議,終於將其工程押後,直至士德頓街及華盛頓街地鐵工程附近,地面工程完工另作安排日後的工程時間表。

At the same time, MTA and DPW were planning to work on another project from Grant Ave and Sacramento for six months. After many discussions with the appropriate department by CMUASF, MTA and DPW decided to work on their project at a later time in order to ease some traffic congestion while they were working from Stockton Street and Sacramento Street.

c) 三藩市發生遊行及抗爭爆動,商戶聯會與市參事、中央警察局,不斷溝通協調確保華埠得到警力保護,要求警方提供遊行活動的情況,確保華埠安全。

During the protest and demonstration, CMUASF had communicated and coordinated with City Counselors, and the Central Police Department to ensure the safety in Chinatown was protected by police forces.

10. 疫情期間:During the pandemic:

a) 商戶聯會發動會員自願參與中藥聯商會合作計劃,將有效防疫中藥進行包裝工作及送給醫療前缐工作人員。這是一個與社區內不同商會建立關係的一個開始。

CMUASF members voluntarily cooperate with the Chinese Herb Trade Association of America to pack and deliver immunity supplement herb packages to front line workers. This is the first step to outreach other organizations in order to form good relationships in the community.


During the shelter-in-place, CMUASF offered assistance to its members by completing SBA loans applications, PPP applications, EDD unemployment applications, and other services related to business.

c) 商戶曾遇到因新收購生意而出現受騙,商戶聯會出手相助,解決問題與業主達成租務協。

CMUASF offered sample letters in Chinese and English versions to assist merchants who need assistance with rental agreements with the landlord.

d) 為商戶印製設計海報,如入店需帶上口罩、距離六呎免費派發商戶

CMUASF board members designed posters for merchants such as the mask covering, and six feet distancing to improve public health safety, and a keep smiling surveillance cameras poster to deter crimes.

11. 近期士德頓街與華盛頓街完成日間工程,但遺下工程車及一大堆沙泥,這影響附近商舖的環境衞生及沙泥會倒塞渠道,商戶聯會馬上向地鉄工程有關部門反映及要馬上處理,不到24小時沙泥清除放在路旁的鐵板及雜物移走。

Recently, CMUASF reported to the appropriated departments to inform them that debris and iron plates remained after the construction works were completed on Stockton Street which have caused environmental hygiene and safety concerns. The debris and iron plates were removed less than 24 hours after CMUASF reported to the appropriate authorities.

12. 感謝商戶聯會義務法律顧問沈律師的幫忙,向大提供法律意見,在疫情前後給予大家應有權利:如疫情期間商租客面對業主租金問題,社區巡邏隊對商戶的責任應知道資訊,另外有商戶更私下向沈律師聯絡解決個別問題。另外會員中因疫情面對業主給予壓力交租,商戶聯會幫忙寫信給業主爭取租客權益。

Thanks to CMUASF legal counsel, Stanley Shen for providing legal advice to our members who have offered free legal advice on business matters, and lease disputes.


CMUASF will continue to provide service to our members and our community, and many projects are in progress.

March 4, 2020

Mr. Aaron Peskin

Board of Supervisor

City Hall of San Francisco

1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 244

San Francisco CA 94102-4689

Dear Supervisor Peskin:

It has been our pleasure meeting you, and Calvin on February 28, 2020. Thank you for giving us an opportunity to express our concerns and feedbacks regarding safety, business, and health issues in our Chinatown community. We have collected information from our Chinatown merchants, and decided to propose the following requests in hopes to improve the businesses and the safety of our community. Our members are merchants who own businesses in Chinatown.

We have considered the suggestions of merchants from different types of businesses such as: restaurants, tea shops, ice cream shops, salons, skincare, massage parlors, supermarkets, seafood markets, herbal shops, tourist shops, gift shops, jewelers, and electronic stores.

We asked merchants to consider two sets of questions:

First set of questions: What is the underlying problem Chinatown faces? What can we, the merchants, do in order to bring more customers to Chinatown? Do you support the action of having more advertisements, and road signs that would lead people to Chinatown?

Second set of questions: How can the city government help your business? Do you believe that the city government should pay more attention, and provide more grants to support our small businesses in Chinatown?

Merchants in Chinatown answered the above questions and have suggested the following feedbacks which will help their business and safety in their community:

1. Homelessness / mental disorder people destroy business in Chinatown!

We are dealing with homelessness, and people who may need help with mental illness in Chinatown. This issue is causing fear among residents, visitors, business owners, and property owners. There are people living on the street who need help, and there is a lack of a response from the city

2. To increase police forces in order to prevent crime

Crime is one of the major problems in Chinatown. We need more oversight to secure our business and our neighborhood. Starting about two years ago, Chinatown became the victim of Prop 47. It is often young adults, and teenagers who target women and small businesses. Criminals are protected by Prop 47 who would only be charged for stealing merchandises over $950. Under Prop 47 small businesses are the victim who could not afford to lose merchandise even if it is under $950. Our concern comes from the response to these crimes by the city. When culprits are caught, the only response from the city is to issue citations. There is a lack of a deterrent for these crimes. Therefore, the same groups of criminals return to prey on the community. We are against Prop 47. Please give us suggestions and help us to fight against this law. The community is in fear. We hope that the city is able to provide support. If the city continues to ignore this issue, our community will take the necessary actions to protect our people.

3. To increase Gross Sales tax up to two million instead of one million

Some merchants request to increase the current Gross Sales Tax pay from One Million to Two Million. It helps many merchants to have a tax cut, so they can use the funds to contribute back to our Chinatown community.

4. To reduce parking lot tax rate

Parking lot surcharge tax is too high in San Francisco which forces parking lot owners to increase their parking fee. By reducing the parking lot tax rate will encourage parking lot owners to reduce their price; therefore, more private parking spaces will be affortable to the public in our area.

5. Disagree to extend parking meter enforcement on Sunday and extension from 6-9 pm on Monday to Saturday and Sunday

Any parking meter extension is hurting our business in San Francisco. It will cut down drivers, or visitors coming in San Francisco.

6. To offer free shuttle bus from different neighborhoods (Sunset, Richmond, Oceanview, and others) to Chinatown.

This request will bring our neighbors around the city returning to shop and enjoy our restaurant in Chinatown.

Thank you very much for your attention. Looking forward hearing from you.


Edward Siu

Chairman of

Chinatown Merchants United Association of San Francisco